Iedul Ad’ha festival in Islamic world

Om 16 June 2024 one of the Islamic calendar festivals is made in the world and…

Emergency Food Aid Distribution to the Newly liberated areas Run Nirgod District

On 12th June 2024  Somalia Disaster Management Agency  dispatched tens lorries  carrying hundreds tones of food…

Somalia Mass Media Sector for The Private and Public concern is increasing

The Federal Government of Somali is working the coordination of media work process monitoring in the…

Somalia Prime Minister participated National Army Training Program              

On Tuesday 11 June 2024 in Mogadishu Somalia prime minister participated National Army Training Program  for…

The Ministry of Finance president national budget guide teams

On Tuesday 11 June 2024 in Nairobi Kenya The ministry of finance president national budget guide…

Somalia Government announced relocation of Cemetery              

On  Tuesday 11 June 2024 statement from the Somalia Government announced relocation of Cemetery  Has been…

What do you know about the Pero Agreement

  the year  1973, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger secured a deal with Saudi Arabia to exclusively sell…

The international ocean day the 8 June is held in Mogadishu

on Saturday -8 June 2024 Volunteer work for the cleaning of the Somalia oceans is made…

Somalia ministry of labor meeting with  senior officers of ILO

on Saturday -8 June 2024 Somalia ministry of labor meeting with  senior officers of ILO on…

Somalia 11 parliament the house of the people chaired the permanent committee meeting that happened in the city of kismayo.

THE CHAIRMAN OF THE Somalia 11 Parliament the house of the people CHAIRED THE PERMANENT COMMITTEE…