Somalia National Central Jail attack

On Saturday 13 July 2024 in Mogadishu the people wakeup with fighting and attach national central…


On 26 June is the Somalia national flag day when the two sides of Somalia community…

Peace reconciliation conference

Galmudug federal state organized peace conference for the rational leaders and  intellectuals representing from the two…

Malaysia Announced To join BRIC

Malaysia prime minister announced to join the BRIC members states the global south which has 11…

Kenya police security arrested Two Somalia legislators

On 19 June 2024 in Nairobi Kenya two Somalia federal government legislators were taken by Kenya…

Somalia and Djabuti presidential meeting in Djabuti

On 19 June 2024 in Djabuti the two president of Somalia and Djabuti Took meeting.  Mr.…

Rwandans Presidential Election Candidates

The Rwanda National Electoral Commission unveiled Friday (Jun.14) the names of candidates in the presidential and…

The Canadian government defended it action to send Warship to the USA

A week ago after USSR warship fleet reached Amerika coast Cuba. The USA and Canada went…

Putin is visiting North Korea

The world is looking the unusual meeting between to president Mr. Kim Jong il the president…

Somali  federal Government high Delegation  reach Anchra

Delegations led by His Highness Mr. Hassan Shikh Mohamud Somalia federal government president reached Istanbul Turkey.…