The wounds and dead bodies of these attached were deployed to an airplane to bring them back home.

Somalia federal government president HH Mr. Hassan Sheikh sent a condolence message to the families and the nations of the victim and hoped the best for their reward in serving Somali people the restoration of peace and security.   He added that all Somalis are morning with the families of the victims and may not forget their contribution to Somalia state building.  Such an attack should not be tolerated and the government will take action to punish all involved.

There are local rumors that say the attack was politically organized and may have had a role in the conflict among the politicians and the senior members of the government. Some others say the attack was organized by Alshab who sneaked into the army to carry out such assignations.  There are some other sources the attack is caused by poor recruitment of the national army that is based on clan.

Finally Somali government is a fragile state that is working hard the restore of government operations and peace-making to clear Islamists from the country. A work that needs the commitment of all people civilians and politicians

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