Somali National Development Programs coordination Council Meeting held in Mogadishu

On Tuesday 05 March 2024 in Mogadishu, the meeting for the national development coordination team will be held. The meeting is chaired by the HE Mr. Hamsa Abdi Bare the prime minister of Somalia participating members from Somalia donors and the government.  The objectives of the meeting include the harmonization of the national development transformation plan achievements and plans of action with the prioritization  key of points

Somalia’s prime minister’s office made National Development Transformation which is coordinated in the office of the prime minister. A platform that changed the NDP national development program. Somalia is a fragile state depending on foreign aid and investment

The government presented in the meeting the top achievements of the government. The debt relief, left army embargo, joining the EAC market, and the replacement of Atmis troops by Somalia, the fight against Alshabab.   The agreement with international parties.  And last two are in process the amendment of the draft constitution and reshaping the leadership of Somalia from parliamentary to presidential  two most contentious issues in front of the government

The donors presented their role of development coordination, that is funding and investment. Where they made billions of dollars in the last years. Some of them praised the achievement presented and the new plans ahead for the implementation.

Finally, the conference was closed by Prime Minister HE Mr. Hamsa Abdi Bare who acknowledged the collective responsibility made by the government and the international community. And the key implementers of the government institutions.  He said the word can give us money and material, but commitments come from Somali people.  

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