Somali Federal Parliament Reading of the first Chapter of the Construction

On Wednesday day 14 February 2024 in Mogadishu Somalia, the Federal Government Parliament joint meeting of the 11th  Parliament in the 4th  session the agenda was reading of the first chapter of the Constructional Reform and Amendment work prepared by the National Independent Committee for the Constitution and presented in the plenary by the OC oversight committee from the joint parament.  

The meeting is presided over by the speakers of both chambers from the House of the People the first and second speakers. From the upper house the first and the second deputy speakers of the upper house.  The meeting is led by the speaker of the House of the People and opened with the support of the Parliament Protocols and the secretariat.   And the assistance of the parliamentary staff working on the distribution of documents and minutes taking. As well as the mass media that covered the event to the public nationwide in Somalia

The joint meeting participated by the members of both houses bicameral the House of the People and the Upper House the Senators. The quorum was 180 from the members of the parliament.   The meetings were also presented by the National Independent Committee for the Constitution and the OC oversight committee from the joint parliament.   The CSOs civil society members from scholars, religious groups, and traditional leaders were invited to the decision of the meeting.

The chairperson of the OC oversight committee from the joint parament member of the House of the People Mr. Hussein Idow stood podium and responded to views and questions raised by members of both houses.  With relevant clarification and justification of each article commented and questioned.

the Secrtary of the OC oversight committee from the joint parament briefed the members of the 11th Parliament the article of the first unity. we have worked and done progress in the technical the draft work and the amendment works

The members of the parliament in the meeting started their debate of the 9 articles of the first unit of the Somalia professional constitution.  The females demonstrated their commitment to explaining the quota of women’s political participation by 30% an agreement made by politicians.  And resolution made by the parliament before.  Most of the women raised the unity to write the quota in the constitution otherwise they would be part of the Constructional Reform and Amendment work.

Some other members of the female legislative raised their concern for the nationality of the children particularly the children of foreign fathers and Somali mothers.  They should be equal with children of Somali fathers and foreign mothers.  

MP Mrs. Sahur said a number of women in our constituency calling us from abroad saying we have children of foreign fathers to help us to ensure the naturalization of the children.

Senator Mrs. Sareda said we should use this document to be inclusive which mentioned a quota of women’s political participation by 30%   to be legal. Now we have 24%. We can secure only to be legalized in this book the constitution of Somalia people.

MP Mr Hidig said we should add Somalia before and after every text of the federal government.  To distinguish the state from the federal government of Somalia.

Senator Mr. Abdihakim said we should acknowledge the rights of Somali women’s political participation by 30%   because I have a family predominantly girls.

The meeting is finalized by the Speaker of the House of the People Mr. Sheikh Adan Madobe with appoint of the next meeting and the reading of the second unity of the Somalia provisional federal constitution draft paper reform and amendments work to finalize the process in the short time if Alah Says.  The meeting is closed for us.

Prepared by Mr. Yahye Hassan Hussein

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