The Somali Ministry of Youth and Sport organized constitutional public hearing

On Thursday 15 February 2024 in Mogadishu constitutional public hearing and consultation was made for the youth to engage with decision-makers of the constitutional reform and the amendment. The meeting is held in Jazira Palace Hotel Mogadishu Somalia.  The meeting is participated by hundreds of young boys and girls as well as disability people

The Somali Ministry of Youth and Sport invited the meeting of the Independent National Committee for the conditional and the OC oversight committee for legislative from the 11th Parliament of Somalia. The Ministry of Youth’s objectives of the meeting were to give a platform and space to the youth to make their demands in the conditional work

The articles deleted by the participants were mainly the political participation age which is 40 years of age. The Ministry of Youth policy for the youth limits the age of young persons in Somalia to 35 years old. The Ministry of Youth requested the age of political participation should be shifted from 40 years to the national youth standard of 35 years.

Members of the youth participating in the meeting made arguments for the age where they disagreed with the limitation of political participation and the free limitation for political retirement.  If this is legal the 40 years of entry there should exit age in the 60 years. One of the biggest issues in the debate

The panelists of the meeting were Mrs. Sahro member independent committee for constitutional reform, and the constitutional adviser for the Somali president of Somalia. The Ministry of the and Sports organized the event.  Who gave the youth the freedom to ask for their rights in the Constitution the panelists

Mr. Dalmar Adow Malin member of the Somali Disability Network asked questions about what limits the government to make inclusive for all institutions. The neighboring countries have quotas for the PWDs, Youth, Women, and the minority. Besides, there is no national sign language and braille in Somalia.  What is the objective of the connotational work committees?  SDN members have participated more than 5 events for the engagement of constitutional work amendment and reform.

Some of the participants in the event asked questions for Mogadishu the capital city of Somalia mandate for entity. this was in the first unity and shifted to unit five of the constitution. The age of the political participation, the exit age for the political participation.  And the role of the states like Puntland state which is outside of the process.

Panelists responded to the concerns of the people who came in front of them.

  • The constitutional work needs the mandate of both chambers of the 11th parliament the House of the People and the Upper House in Somalia
  • The work of the constitutional reform and the amendment technical is mandated by the independent commission and parliamentary committee. The strategy of work and the prioritization of articles and unities.
  • The federal government of Somalia parliament has the mandate to pass the constitution on behalf of the Somalia people the 329 represent the Somalia people with indirect elections.
  • Referendum should be made public to the nationwide Somali people directly or indirectly in the areas under the control of the government federal and states.
  • The Puntland administration is free to participate now or will be given a role and space to participate in the process or submit after the end of the work. The parliament can proceed with the new comments and inputs made.

Mr. Hussein the constitutional advisor of the president said the constitution will not remain draft for more than two decades and reach the next parliament the 12 legislative. This is shameful and could not be accepted. Somali can be shifted from the chapter seven if we secure powerful constitution

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