Somalia women legislators meeting in Mogadishu

On Wednesday 13 March 2024 in Mogadishu Somalia women caucus for the parliament took meeting with regional state parliament women legislators. The meeting is chaired jointly by the chairladies of the both house Mrs. Saredo Mohamed Hassan Jeyte the chairlady of Upper caucus and Mrs. Sahur Haji Ulusow the chairlady of the caucus the house of the people. Where they have disused the women political participation  in Somalia.

The meeting is part of the campaign  for women political participation quota legalization in the Somali federal constitution  works. The federal government of parliament 11th is working the amendment  of the input   from the constitutional  reform draft collection from the civil society and politicizations

Members of the parliament the house of the people and the upper house made their debates in the last two  months from the 24 February 2024 the day passed the constructional reform roadmap and guidelines.  And the working schedule  for the first 4 chapter of the draft constitution  and the amendment for the new work.

The participants of the meeting give consideration seral articles the human rights marriage, age, citizenship, child rights, the commission of human rights and the women political participation quota the 30% campaign . women and girls are facing barrier in the political participation from the culture and traditions

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